Monday, May 01, 2017


 To blog this month. I just let too many things pile up on me and I CANNOT stop thinking about them: Turned 44, am I doing the right thing with the going back to school thing, my future health "issues", $ issues" (even though I have plenty, I STILL freak out about it), etc. JUST stupid stuff that is called LIFE! ANYWAYS, I will just leave you with this.

 This is one of my FAVORITE songs EVVVVVVVER! Reminds me of being a care free kid and not having so many thing to worry about.

Don't worry, this will pass and I will be back on my feet again. Talk to you next month.


Scole said...

44? Old man!!!!! I always think of that song "Free" by that rocking metal band Stryper and I feel young

Blake said...

Happy belated birthday! You are officially ODB. And I love you for it.

Unknown said...

Happy Belated - 44, you are still a young man. Be happy !!!

 I was thinking about this while driving to my new favorite store, OLLIE'S in Monroe, NC yesterday and it falls under the category of ...