I was informed by Bailey's owner, Steph, that she was very disappointed in not seeing any pictures of her baby on my last blog... And one thing about her is she does not shy away from letting someone know how see feels... So Steph!!! This entry is all about Bailey!!!!!! Before I start talking about Bailey I realized that you have not seen what Steph looks like... Well here is the answer to your question!

OK!!!! Let's talk about Bailey.... She is one of the best dogs I have ever watched with apologies to Wylie, Maggie, Georgia, Sarge, Skeebo, Duke, Marley, Daisy, Carolina and any other pupper I have watched and taken care of. She is one of those dogs that you have no problem letting roam your house when you are at work... This is Bailey!!!
Yeap you got it!!! She's on my couch! Oh look!!! Now she's on my bed getting ready to sleep for the night!!
This is where Steph and I don't exactly see eye to eye.... If the dog is well mannered then I have no problem letting them do their thing. They are my guest and I treat them like my buddy. We do everything together. Steph is from the school of "dog discipline"... And for the record I want to say that there is nothing wrong with that at all... I would be like that myself if I had a dog. But I treat Bailey to a vacation when she stays with me. This isn't funny, WELL!?!?!??!?! Yeah it is. When I return Bailey she tends to still think she is on vacation and jumps on Steph's couch and bed..... I don't think that makes Steph too happy having to spend a week yelling at her to get off the furniture. She tells people about the ordeal I put her through. When I was leaving her townhouse with Bailey her elderly neighbor said, "Now don't let her sleep in your bed." GREAT STUFF!!!!! I just had to chuckle....
It's pretty cool to come home from work and take her for a walk and play out in the yard... She's such a good girl that I can work out there and know that she's not going to stray away..... Great pupper I tell ya!!!!!!
SWEET!!!!! I hope this satisfies Steph!!!! Her baby is now on the world wide web!!!! WOO HOO!!!!
Now for the rest of the news..... Not sure if you heard but my brother and his wife had another baby boy on Dec. 20th!!!! He's a cute little booger and his name is Nicholas...
That my friends is a Big Lots special and it and solidifies me as a true Lancasterian, or whatever they call people that live in Lancaster.
Hey it's almost summer time and you know what that means?!?!?!?! Fun times at the Lancaster Motor Speedway!!!!! It's about 500 yards, 5 football fields, away from my house.... I have never been but that might change this season..... Word on the street is that there are women there with a few of their teeth that love watching dirt track racin'!!!!! I need to go and check it out!!!