That tree stump had no chance going up against a chain and a truck with a big old V8!

With that out of the way, I'll be finishing up the ditch this week.
I don't think mother nature was too pleased about me ripping out one of her trees. After I was done for the day I went to put my truck back into 2 wheel drive and the dang gear shift wouldn't budge! I was stuck in 4 wheel drive!!!! GREAT!!!! So I drove it into my drive way all the while pushing and pulling the shifter with everything I had in me...... I tried it all, going in reverse, putting it in neutral, standing on my head and chanting like a monk. I made that last one up. But nothing worked...... I tried one more time to push the shifter and I felt a something go in my arm! DANG!!!! I must of pulled a muscle! I had enough and just shut the truck off and called it a night.
The next day at work I stressed about it! I kept on thinking. "OH DANG!!!! I have to take it to the Ford dealer and have them look! How much are they going to charge??" So when I came home from work I accepted the fact that I need to take it to the dealer. So I jumped in and started her up. I thought it wouldn't hurt if I tried again to get it into 2 wheel. Without hardly any effort the shifter went into the 2 wheel drive position like it had a hundred times before. MAN!! Was I relieved! So from now on I will never EVER put it in 4 wheel!!!!!! MARK MY WORDS!!!!! NEVER EVER!!!!
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