Wednesday, August 05, 2015

And so the saga continues!!!!

 I've been dreading this since I scheduled the appointment in JANUARY!!! YEAH, the waiting list to Duke Medical Center (they are the cream of the crop in medical) is that long!!! ANYWAYS!!! The 'uncertainty' is what has been driving me nuts!!!  Mrs. Boike and I went up there today, 8-5-15, to get another opinion about this stupid brain stuff going on in my head!!!!! So here is the running diary:

 Wednesday- WOO HOO!!! I just added this app to my phone and I am writing this from the waiting room BEEEEEEOTCHES!!! ANYWAYS, I am in the waiting room, hence the name, for my appointment... Mrs. BOIKE drove us up here in her sweet @$$ Prius!!!! Man and I thought the MPGS I got were good but DAAAAAAAAAAAMN!!! The trip up consisted of me nervously rambling about NOTHING!!!  POOR MRS. BOIKE HAD TO LISTEN TO THAT FOR 2 1/2 HOURS! ANYWAYS!!! I was examined by TWO DR.s AND let me tell ya, they DID NOT leave any stone unturned. We sat there for about an hour just asking and answering questions. Next was the physical examination... They watched EVERYTHING I did whether walking or just the way I talked and sat. They drew stuff on a piece of paper and asked that I draw the same thing they drew. AGAIN, VERY DETAILED! After all that, the older Dr. gave me his opinion, he said that I DO have spinal cerebellum ataxia but it's mild and with some 'adjustments' in my life, I can control it getting worse. THE MAIN THING he suggested was that I stop drinking. SURE THIS SUCKS FOR ME BUT you have to do what is best and I plan on doing it. BASICALLY, I DON'T have a choice. SO REPEAT AFTER ME, "ANDY CANNOT HAVE A BEER WITH ME!!!" "ANDY CANNOT HAVE A BEER WITH ME!!!" "ANDY CANNOT HAVE A BEER WITH ME!!!" "ANDY CANNOT HAVE A BEER WITH ME!!!" "ANDY CANNOT HAVE A BEER WITH ME!!!" "ANDY CANNOT HAVE A BEER WITH ME!!!" "ANDY CANNOT HAVE A BEER WITH ME!!!" "ANDY CANNOT HAVE A BEER WITH ME!!!" "ANDY CANNOT HAVE A BEER WITH ME!!!" "ANDY CANNOT HAVE A BEER WITH ME!!!" "ANDY CANNOT HAVE A BEER WITH ME!!!" "ANDY CANNOT HAVE A BEER WITH ME!!!" "ANDY CANNOT HAVE A BEER WITH ME!!!" "ANDY CANNOT HAVE A BEER WITH ME!!!" "ANDY CANNOT HAVE A BEER WITH ME!!!" "ANDY CANNOT HAVE A BEER WITH ME!!!" "ANDY CANNOT HAVE A BEER WITH ME!!!" "ANDY CANNOT HAVE A BEER WITH ME!!!" "ANDY CANNOT HAVE A BEER WITH ME!!!" "ANDY CANNOT HAVE A BEER WITH ME!!!" "ANDY CANNOT HAVE A BEER WITH ME!!!" COOL???? This is NOT a cure, matter of fact, there is NO cure BUT it will help slow the symptoms!!! He also suggested I go to physical therapy to just 'know my limitations' so I don't really hurt myself trying to do stuff...

 I go back next for an MRI and that will help give them more info that in turn, will HELP ME!!!! As long as they don't say 'HOLY SNIKES, His MRI looks bad, call him STAT and get his @$$ up here." I  will go back in April and I plan to ALWAYS see him because he was that good.

 Oh and I sent this to my mom like 15 minutes ago before I posted it for ALL TO READ because she pulled the 'CATHOLIC GUILT' thing on me with precision HA!!! I sent her a text saying that we were on our way home and that I would tell everyone about my visit on my blog. She sent me a text "Travel safe, hate having the world know anything before I do." That right there kids is why I call her 'CATHOLIC KATE' Oh and anyone out there that thinks they can 'guilt' my brother and I into anything, is SADLY MISTAKEN because after 40+ years, WE ARE IMMUNE!!!


Nancy said...

Glad to hear your visit is over and the news is OK...the drinking ban will be worth your health! God bless...I love you! 😇

Unknown said...

Glad this day is behind you. Best of all you like the doctor. You are strong will enough, you can do this. We will all support no beer, I'm sure you can focus on another vise. lol We'll let your imagination work on that. By the way Mom's are always Mom's. We do our best to make our kids crazy. Continued prayers, take care. Thanks for sharing, I know you don't like to. Good night.

Amanda Margeson said...

Next summer I'll have a cooler stocked with water for you, Andrew, and a list of places for you to drive me since you can be the DD! Glad things went well ♡

Unknown said...

Andy cannot have a beer with me....but we can make some sweet smoothies with his kale harvest to sip while we sit by the lake!

 I was thinking about this while driving to my new favorite store, OLLIE'S in Monroe, NC yesterday and it falls under the category of ...