Saturday, November 01, 2014


This is CHRIS!!!!

 My cousin, who 6 years ago, I didn't have too much contact with.... Mostly because of the age and distance (Mansfield, OH) difference BUT things are way different now... I see him at least twice a year... In June when I go on my tour to see my friends and family in OH, NY, PA and VA. Also in October when he and his girlfriend come down to casa de McBride in L-TOWN! I WILL NOT elaborate but the guy has lived and seen A LOT in his life but he is still standing and we have become great friends throughout the six years of actually getting to know each other. When I go up there he takes me around Mansfield and shows me the places where our grandparents worked and other stuff he knows I would like to see. He also tells me stuff about my grandparents that I didn't know- like our grandfather use to smoke A LOT!!! WHOA! He is also VERY handy and brings me on jobs he does like re-plumbing a bathroom! WOO HOO!!!! I know how to do it now!!!! Anyways, he CAN'T sit still which is great for me when it comes to doing stuff around casa de McBride.We get a plethora of stuff done!
-We painted the porch because I was sick of treating it with Thompson water seal EVERY YEAR!

 While the paint was drying to put a 2nd coat on some of the areas, he split a bunch of wood I had from trees that my neighbor and I have taken down through out the year. FYI- So I have PLENTY of split wood for a DOLCE (that's 'sweet' in Spanish) fire in the ODE TO BOOB AKA fire pit.....

 We then painted my room, something I have been meaning to do for a couple of years!! HA!!!

 Oh, this is the color it is now....

 His girlfriend and I went to Lowes and I asked her to pick out a color. She started asking a bunch of questions on what color my bed spread was and what other colors were and said something about "well this might be a good color and grabbed this and said "What do you think?" I took it from her and said "DONE!!" The whole process took 90 seconds!! HA!!!!!

 He has also helped fix some electrical stuff and even brought his two rototillers last fall and helped me mix in all the coffee grounds I get from work..... FYI- this was just the 1st stage of getting grass to grow back there.

 I don't think I mentioned that he is a great cook too. The last night he was here he made a special marinade for a pork loin and some potatoes!! It was very YUMMY IN MY TUMMY!

 And now for your monthly 'ANSWERING CRAP' where I answer a spammer's, usually stupid question:
"These firms connect hedge funds may play in and I have stated certain information and issues regarding any real money from them. SevenOh, and ready to place marketing third. Inventory Availability Calculated field: Unit Price X Quantity = represents the largest European automaker, rose more than once, not simply rely on a membership in societies, do it on your own."
Answer: First off, I don't think I will EVER get past the atrocious grammar.... OKIE DOKIE, now that I have said my peace, I and others might as well go to the bank, take out our life savings and go down the road throwing $100 bills out the window. I think it would be just the same as 'investing' in your hedge fund!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a swell guy!

Anonymous said...

Awesome, I'm going to have to get a roto-tiller to handle all my coffee grinding! Man I could grind coffee for the whole neighborhood!


Elise said...

Did dads gf send you the picture she took of you guys by the fire? I think you need it. It's a really great picture.

Andy said...

Nope so send it baby and tell your boo Jessica that I said howdy!!

 I was thinking about this while driving to my new favorite store, OLLIE'S in Monroe, NC yesterday and it falls under the category of ...