So my friend Joe was finally able to come over and help me build a storage shelf in the garage. Either he or I have been busy every weekend since January..... But we arranged for Saturday to get the dang thing built, and may I say it looks like Norm and the gang from 'This Old House' built the thing.

Looks pretty good huh???? Joe helped out a lot!!!! He was a carpenter before he started loosing his hair!!!!! HE HE HE HE!!! No but seriously he is a great guy.... His dad was a minister and he studied to become one himself...... He is thinking about going back and getting his masters in theology. It's great. He gives me the low down on all religions. Thanks to Joe I can tell you which ones are whacked out, the one Tom Cruise is in, and the more traditional ones and what they believe in.... GOD BLESS him!!!! He has broadened my views.... I use to think that there was only one lane on the highway to hell but thanks to Joe now I know that there is an express lane too... And guess what lane I'm on!?!?!?!?!??!?!?! HE HE HE HE!!! Right now everyone under 40 has the opening riffs to AC/DC's Highway To Hell playing in there head...... Have a good one!