Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Doing my part for mother nature!

 I WAS going to put this on DA TUBE as a video BUT I REALLY don't need the grief that would come my way..... So I am just going to write this down... 

 We, I MEAN my neighbors and I, have been inundated with 'forest rats' AKA squirrels! They are everywhere! When the d@mn things AREN'T eating all of my elderly neighbor's bird food, they are TEARING up my yard by burying the nuts they find. 

 So I sit by the window facing my backyard, usually with a cup of coffee, and patiently wait to see a forest rat, and with Grandpa McBride's .22, I send them to the big tree in the sky. I will do this EACH day until they are all gone. 


Being I have NOT used this in years, my aim is NOT up to speed. So I did a little research on 'DA NET' and got the average height and length of the American 'FOREST RAT' and made a little target to practice on...

10in x 2in= your average size of a forest rat.


 Oh and by the way, When I do hit one I throw the carcass in the woods for other animals to munch on. In a way, you can say I am recycling and helping Mother Nature out! 

If you are keeping count at home, this is the FOREST RAT' KILL total: 

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 I was thinking about this while driving to my new favorite store, OLLIE'S in Monroe, NC yesterday and it falls under the category of ...