Friday, February 02, 2024

So I don't forget!!!!!!

  My EDDIE Van Halen/ General Lee theory is kinda stupid BUT it kinda resonates with A LOT of stuff in life!

  OKIE DOKIE!!!!! Let's delve into it. First, you have Eddie Van Halen

Next you have BO and LUKE of the Dukes of Hazzard

  In the 5th season of this ENORMOUSLY successful series. The actors that played BO and LUKE were up for new contracts. They saw the HUGE success of the merchandise it was producing and wanted a piece of it in their new contracts. The producers balked at this and they kept telling themselves, "The show is VERY popular because people turn in for the car NOT Bo and Luke. HECK! We can replace them and we will not skip a beat." So they replaced them with Coy and Vance.... Let's just say that it DID NOT work so well. Ratings DROPPED and within year and a few months, The producers of the show 'SAW THE LIGHT' and brought back Bo and Luke..

 Fast forward to 1997. Van Halen was in need of another lead singer. Eddie thought "KRIPES! No BIGGIE!! People love Van Halen because of my guitar! I can put anyone out there and it will work like it ALWAYS has." Sorry BUDDY!!! It doesn't work that way! He was VERY WRONG and poor Gary Chereon lasted ONE album! 

 Sure EVERYONE is replacable BUT there are a very few exceptions to the rule! And these two examples demostrate that.... 

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 I was thinking about this while driving to my new favorite store, OLLIE'S in Monroe, NC yesterday and it falls under the category of ...