Sunday, July 21, 2019

Another You Tube video! 'POP'S VICE'!

 If I recall, my grandpa, my dad's dad, gave this to him back in the 60s. I did a 'half@$$ed' attempt to restore it back when I was a teenager but now I am going to do it right this time. Check it out if ya want, If not then that's OKIE DOKIE to! FREE WILL!!!!!!


 I forgot I have my step grandfather's pipe vice too! Same old story of doing a 'half@$$ed' job on that thing as well. BUT after watching someone restore the same one on YOU TUBE I decided to clean it up and look like the day Russ bought it, probably in the 30s. As you may know, I LOOOOOOOOVE history and I 'Googled' 'Trimont Tool MFG.' and learned all about it...

Tuesday, July 02, 2019

trip-pa-looza 2019

 I haven't done one of these in a few years. Being most people on this God's green earth have the attention span of a freakin' gnat, I made a SHORT video of it and posted it on You Tube.


 HA!!! Look it up to see what it means!!!! I kinda forgot about this until today when I gave Doris (Who I work with) A.K.A MS. LOWES 2022 th...