Sorry for the delay and thanks to everyone that asked me either via email or face to face if I was alright...... This is all I will say about it! Ready!?!?!?!? I had a mild case of scurvy! KIDDING!!!! But I bet it made ya laugh. I'm just adding fuel to the 'rumor mill' aren't I!?!?!? But seriously, it was 'w*@# r#$%^&*' and during the last time I wrote an entry I had a very cool supervisor, that's right Jamie it's an old fashion SHOUT OUT! HOLLA!!!!!! HE HE HE HE!!! I guess you can say I had a 'man crush' on him!!! The guy rocked like Grand Funk Railroad at Shea Stadium in 71!!! Not even a day after I wrote this I was reassigned to a another supervisor.. As my friend Doober would say. "WHAT THE CRAP!?!' Gotta love Karma! This is what I need to do, put on my big boy britches and do my job the best I can because I really enjoy being employed plus 'chicks' don't dig a guy without a job. It's all going to work out because 'I'm good enough and gosh darnit! People like me!' That's all you need to know...... So let's see????? I need to wish y'all a belated happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, National 'get ya some day' I mean Valentines Day, April Fools day and any other holiday I forgot...... I hope all is well in your neck of the woods.... A ton of stuff has happened since I talked to you in Oct. so without further ado.......
This is what happens when a GMC Denali backs up into a Civic, and after dropping some serious cash to the body shop, this is what it looks like now.
As you can see I also had them replace the fender that I banged up pretty good like almost 3 freakin' years ago.....So I started out with a wreck!! Here's the dealeo..... I was just going to make a right and the lady, who was on her cell phone, backed into me!!! Her backup lights came on and before I knew it she slammed into me!!!! I was not happy because when the trooper came she would NOT say she backed into me!!!! SOOOOOOOOOO the trooper's hands were tied and could not place blame on her for the accident!!!! Needless to say, I was not a happy camper!!! Not only am I out of $1000 for my deductible but my dang insurance premiums went up!!!!! Geez thanks!!!!!!! There is more to the story but I might sound 'mean spirited' or a bitter American if I give more details..... OH AND!!!!! I also got the truck fixed too..... Check it out... They had to replace the whole back window!!!!
On Thanksgiving I started out the day participating in the first annual 'Merritt Ln clean sweep' which consisted of one person, me....................... You see, I live on a pretty secluded road
So with the tractor, wagon, work gloves and a rake I go and clean up.
Most of the garbage is cans and glass with a hint of plastic bottles.... The last step is to take it all to the 'recycling area', or us simple folk down here in Lancaster county call it, the dump. It's just another way that I can help mother earth plus they pay you for aluminum!!! WOO HOO!!!! And ladies and gentlemen, that's how I roll!!!!! Capitalism RULES!!!!!!!
Not even a week after Thanksgiving, Grandpa McBride went to the big plant up in the sky.

He was a border line workaholic. Ahhhh hell! Who am I kidding? He was a full fledged one!!! Grandma told me that he would go to work at 4am, come home for about an hour for dinner then go back in until about 11pm!!! GEEZ MAN!!!!! Talk about the ultimate company man!!!! While I was up there I went up to see Mark and Melissa up near Cleveland. Poor Mark had to work the graveyard shift so Melissa and I hung out and she even had wine glasses with a place to write our names so we didn't pick up the wrong one!!!
Oh and if your wondering, thinks are just groovy at the nuclear power plant which is right next to casa de Singer. If you ask me it's just a very expensive way to boil water.
I then went up to see my family up in NY. I stayed at my cousin Jeff's house, he's the guy I get most of my material from to make you laugh, where I met his future wife Kari.... I also saw my wild and wacky cousin Cassie........ As one of my other cousin's wife would say, 'bless her heart'!!!! I didn't make ya cry this time did I Cassie???????

I worked on a few things in the kitchen. My friend Steph and I went to Lowes and she helped me find new fixtures on the cabinets. I had to get a female perspective. HELLO!!! I know my limitations when it comes to that stuff..... So instead of 'I like to think of myself as being rich' gold, I have pewter color...... What do you think?
I was so happy with the results that I did the, I have no idea whatcha call it, out in the living room.
For Christmas I asked for and received a new L.E.D light for the sink......
It's all about being GREEN as much as I can!!!!! Speaking of green, that's the color of my counter tops which has been discussed by everyone who has come to visit. There is no in between....... It's like former President W Bush, either ya hate or love him. So let me ask you fine people out there, what color counter tops should I go for?????
I felt like the tour manager for Foghat back in the 70s. I had to break up shouting matches between the rhythm guitarist Mitch, the lead guitarist Holly and the singer Heidi. It was pretty funny how competitive they all are!!! As you can see, Natalie was a backup singer/ dancer......
Don't be fooled by Mitch's innocent look. He's a cold blooded Wii bowler! This kid would whoop me and talk smack while he did it!!!!! I tell ya!!! The youth of today!!! No respect for their elders.....
Don't be fooled by Mitch's innocent look. He's a cold blooded Wii bowler! This kid would whoop me and talk smack while he did it!!!!! I tell ya!!! The youth of today!!! No respect for their elders.....
That same day I was informed that I had jury duty for a week in January!!!!!! Everyone told me great ways to get out of it, like showing up with a confederate hat and a shirt saying 'Guns don't kill people, I do!!!!!!! But my favorite is asking the judge, "Does the state still offer firing squads as an option for a way to be executed??????"
And now a word from our sponsor, State of South Carolina Chamber of Commerce. We had a snow storm in January...
It snows down here about every three years or so. Gotta love it because:And now a word from our sponsor, State of South Carolina Chamber of Commerce. We had a snow storm in January...
- No matter how little it snows, everything shuts down! It's like a snow day back when you were in school.
- The snow stays around for maybe a day or two then it all melts and you are back to normal 55 degrees!
- Did I mention EVERYTHING shuts down!?!?!
Then in February we had another dose of the white stuff with some ice mixed in with it and I didn't go to work that day because I really didn't want to slide into a ditch or something. So I started to scrap and sand the walls in my bathroom...... I had a few areas where the paint was bubbling up......
I also replaced the crappy gold light that hangs above my mirror and the knobs and hinges on the cabinets..... GOOD GOD the people before me luuuuuuuuuved them some gold didn't they??? YAHTZEE!!!! Guess where I got a nice pewter light?????? Nope not Big Lots guess again! ALDI!!!!!!!! THAT'S RIGHT!!! Aldi. Not just cheap food anymore!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!
So the big race, Daytona 500, came and went. Beeker, I mean my friend Kyle,

After getting my HUGE stimulus check thanks to Obama, just jerking your chain; I didn't get one so don't write your congressman asking where your check is, I decided to put an extra layer of insulation up in the attic.
Again, it's all about being efficient and saving my hard earned money so I can be taxed more by the government for taking care of the octuplet woman and her 25 kids. Also to contribute to her having more plastic surgery in her attempt to have the lips of Algenlina Jolie. Getting back to the insulation, it's a heck of a lot better to lay it out when it's not freakin' 105 up there!!! WATCH OUT!!!! I'm going to go Bill Nye 'the science guy' on ya! Heat rises and no matter how cool it is outside all the heat in your house collects up in your attic and causes it to be hotter then the hubs of hell up there!!! Plus it doesn't help that you have to cover up any exposed skin. I made the mistake of being up there in the afternoon and sweating like Michael Jackson on the witness stand!!!!
You know, sometimes it really good to live in a 'Mayberry' type town because the bottom hasn't fallen out in the real estate market like say CA, NV or FL!!!!! The Mexican Princess, Soraya, helped me with a SWEEEEEEEEEEEEET refinancing!!!!!!! So that means I can save money on my mortgage and use the extra dough as 'girl money'!!! SOYAYA IN DA HOUSE!!!!!!
As you can see, I have been doing my Wii yoga every morning!!!! The HOTTIE that is my trainer says I am a 'yoga master'!!! And who's to argue with her??????? She's HOT and smart!!! HOLLA!
In case you missed it, I posted this SWEET video of Dale Jr, actually it's my nephew Charlie at Halloween 2008.
Well that's what's been up with me the last 4 months...... I'm going to enjoy a Dilly Bar with the boys.... Talk to you next month....
Oh and for your information the national debt is.................. Come on everybody!!!! Sing along! "And I'm proud to be an American................."
ONE MORE THING before I go........ Jack, the one in the middle, is Autistic and they are having an 'Autism Awareness' night at the Charlotte Checkers game this Saturday 4/4/09. If you are in the Charlotte area come and chat it up with me and buy me a beer thanking me for all of the hard work I put into this blog. We can also enjoy watching guys beat the living crap out of each other!!!! It will be better then watching somebody getting 'pepper sprayed' on COPS!