I was thinking about this while driving to my new favorite store, OLLIE'S in Monroe, NC yesterday and it falls under the category of "I DON'T WANT TO FORGET THIS", plus it has something to do with Operation 'F150 REVIVAL 2025'!
I used to go up to New York for Thanksgiving. I would take my F150 chariot up there.
My 1997 F150 12-98 |
If I recall, I went up there on a Monday, and my cousin and his wife Brandy, were coming up on Tuesday. Well, Tuesday came and we got A LOT of snow and at night it got REALLY cold and icy! We were expecting Marty and Brandy in the late afternoon/early evening. Well, those times came and went. We were not concerned, We just thought Marty was driving slower due to the weather. We just expected them later on that night. We all went to bed. Well, around 2am, Marty called his mom, my aunt Nancy, He explained that they were taking the back roads and hit some ice on top of a hill and skidded down it. They wrecked the car pretty bad. He stressed that they were ok but were stranded in a very SMALL town in PA..... Not sure how it all went down, but Jeff (his brother) and I woke up, and after a few minutes of talking about our options, We found out where they were, Jeff knew how to get there and I had a 4x4 truck to get us there. I know for a fact, that we did not even hesitate to put on some warm clothes, get a cup of coffee, and go get them. The ride down there was VERY uneventful, Sure there was A LOT of snow but nothing the F150 couldn't handle. Marty told his mom that the town volunteer fire dept got them and they are at the firehouse. HA!!!! DUDEZILLAS, we got there and the WHOLE volunteer fire department was there! I made a joke to Jeff that they probably have not seen that much excitement in YEARS! HA! They reacted like it was a full-blown HUGE accident with fatalities and everything. I remember going in the 'conference room' well I think that is what it was, and it was full of all the crew! They asked us if Jeff and I wanted anything to drink, I asked for a coffee, Between you and me, it was REALLY NASTY! We made some small talk and we all thanked the crew for helping Marty and Brandy. They saw what I was driving and told us that we would have no problem getting back to Bolivar. Again, the trip back up to Bolivar was VERY uneventful. The next morning, our grandpa, Bob Cawley, came down to see us and this picture was taken then.
The day after our adventure. Jeff, Joe, Marty Margeson, Bob Cawley, and Andy McBride 11-2002 |
AND during that same week, my other cousin, Joe Margeson, got his Suzuki Sidekick stuck.... This time, we only were outside of town, and we pulled it out too...
Just a few more things I love about having a big 4x4 F150!