DISCLAIMER!!!!!!! There are topics and pictures in this that might upset certain people..... Also I took liberty in using some quotes I have heard from other people AND these are MY OPINIONS and how stuff effects MY LIFE and I tend to say what OTHERS are thinking so please do not take it personally and get all upset and send me a scathing email...... So CHILL and TRY to be entertained! DIG IT???
Thursday, December 30, 2021
HA!!! I have to use code words to describe what I think I have so I don't get banned or censored from our T@#H OVERLORDS!... THANKS to the 'Real Music Observer' on 'DA TUBE' for using 'DODGE OMNI'! Sorry but filming and editing this has not been fun. I have a head ache and a sore throat, the chills and my whole body aches! Basically I feel like poopy! BUT I will just deal with it and keep on keeping on, although I might need to take a nap....
Monday, December 13, 2021
Not gonna lie to ya.....
I'm kinda depressed, IF you HATE reading please do not go any further because I am going to write/type until I feel better! OKIE DOKIE!!!! First off, I always get depressed around this time because I remember what Christmas USE to be!!! KRIPES! Looking back, I really could care less about the gifts. I just loved being at 120 Plum St.in B-TOWN A.K.A Bolivar, NY.... for one of my Grandma Cawley's parties! The house was full of family and people NOT with us today.... A highlight was ALWAYS playing NFL draft with my uncles and cousins, I sure do miss it!
Not making things better for me is: as most of you know, I have a little part time job delivering pizza. Well about a month ago, Nov 4th to be exact, I was about to go into work and I got a text from the owner saying not to come in. He stated that his insurance company will NOT cover his business or drivers!!! My 'spider senses' started to tickle that something was kinda shady about the whole deal..... He has, and does, deal with some shady stuff and trust me! It WILL bite him in the end. I have seen it happen a million times! FYI kids, it is called KARMA!!! ANYWAYS I have been just hanging around casa de McBride and BORED out of my mind, DARE I SAY, GOING BAT $HIT CRAZY!!!! I need to do something! I know that $ is NOT a problem but since 4/27/73, I have ALWAYS let stuff add up that cause me to stress! With me just sitting around doing nothing but thinking, I am getting depressed!
I have an old friend that I have done a TON of stuff with over the years. I have been very close to his family as well and they have done A LOT for me over the years. I know he comes down to see his mom for Christmas. We really are not that close anymore, I kinda blame his divorce for this, I shot him an email stating that he can come over if he wants to but it's no biggy if he doesn't. He replied saying cool but then asked, 'you vaccinated' Now I could have pulled an Aaron Rodgers and played a Jedi mind trick saying 'I've been immunized' or an Antonio Brown and lied and said YES but instead I refused to answer! I rank it up there with, How much money do you make? Who did you vote for? Stuff like that. NONE OF YOUR D@MN BUSINESS! For the record, I think this whole thing is a JOKE! Save your breath! I REALLY don't care what you think. I am a expert in MY opinion.
UGH! I shouldn't care too much BUT the Bills are PI$$ING me off too. I think they thought just beating the crap out of the Chiefs was all they needed to do and everything else would fall into place BUT it does NOT work that way. I kinda compare it to the 89 season, YES I remember stuff from the past. They were the 'cat's meow' in 88 and EVERYONE was talking them up! WELL 89 was a let down and they lost to the Browns in the first round of the playoffs!
I am trying to stop drinking so much coffee. I was having two or three big cups of it a day! TOO MUCH and I was getting head aches. Dealing with caffeine withdraws suck too and is not helping me with my depression.
I know just talking ALWAYS makes me feel better. KRIPES, I am gonna tell you something that I think just a few people knew. I just told my friends in MN. so I think it is OKIE DOKIE to tell you too. When all the crap happened in WI., I went and saw a DR. because all the guys at work were worried about me, The dr. prescribed PAXIL and a few sessions with a therapist /counselor. To this day, I feel that just talking to someone was much better than any drug they put me on....
I was thinking about this while driving to my new favorite store, OLLIE'S in Monroe, NC yesterday and it falls under the category of ...

I was getting in my car yesterday to go home from my weekly visit of free dinner at casa de mama y papa McBride when I saw a notice on my ...
Welcome to the 2nd annual... Because I like MOST of you, I'm here to give you some knowledge about finance, computers, cars an...
Just sitting here on a Wednesday 2-25-15 night during a sleet/snow storm that we here in the south CANNOT handle and drinking a yummy Bai...