Sunday, July 01, 2018

A hot cup of JOE!

 Wanna know why it's a 'cup of Joe'? There ya go!!! GOD BLESS THE INTERNET! It's not just for porn anymore! HA! Anyways, as most of you know, I like coffee but NOT PHU PHU crap like Starbucks or anything like that. I prefer CHEAP coffee... SO I decided to make my Keurig even more efficient, in truth, I was sick of always having to fill it with a bottle of water. I 'T'ed off my water line from my refrigerator added a line of filtered water directly to it. As my uncle Jim would say "I'm a fart smeller" I MEAN "smart feller". It's not pretty BUT it does what I want AND you can't even see it with the refrigerator in place.

I also got a new dish drying rack, I MEAN, dish washer. It's one of those "scratch and dent" ones. I got it at Lowes for $100 bucks! WOO HOO!

Could you even tell it had a dent if I didn't point it out to ya?
 I had to do some 'modifications' to the water line that supplies it SO I had to get under my sink

and do some soldering. Trust me kids, it's not that hard to do. HA! And it's so quiet that I didn't think it worked. BUT it shows those dishes who is boss!

 Oh and the world cup 2018 is going on! This is what I and most of the U.S.A think of soccer.


 DUDES! I have been watching a GREAT documentary on Netflix... Y'all, you think we live in crazy times now? WHATEVER! The late 60s were REALLY nuts!

Have a great month and to quote Don Ohlmeyer "The answer to ALL your questions is MONEY"! ...

 I was thinking about this while driving to my new favorite store, OLLIE'S in Monroe, NC yesterday and it falls under the category of ...