I am trimming and cleaning up the side woods on the right of the house and after finally taking 'my tree guy's', Thompson, advise, I took down the two Bradford Pear trees in the front yard. Any good arborist will tell you that the smaller 'crappy' trees that are growing around bigger ones, steal the water from the bigger, healthy, ones. I'm also taking two more trees that were pretty much randomly planted in areas of the yard by the previous owners.
This was NOT just a 'weekend thing'!!! I have been working on this for years. The saying 'Rome was NOT built in a day' rings in my head every time I am out working outside. The picture below shows a car of my previous neighbor and he hasn't lived there for almost two years...
I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO wish I had these two little toys to show all the crappy trees around casa de McBride who is boss, ME DANG NABBIT but I don't. So I do a little bit at a time. I have been stung by fire ants, yellow jacket wasps, burned, destroyed a cell phone, damaged tools and basically been riddled with nagging pulled muscles while doing this. As you know, I have a SWEET chainsaw that I named Marvella BUT I am kinda nervous to use it with this CRAP that's going on with my brain BUT that doesn't mean that Boike can't use it!!! WOO HOO!!!! He uses that and I use my sawz all. Say hello to my little friend, NO it's not that big of a deal. it's just a sawz all with CHEAP pruning blades I get at one of those stores that sell really cheap stuff. There's a shocker huh? Cutting or chopping up trees is VERY therapeutic!!! I pretend the tree is a boss or someone that has pissed me off currently or in the past...
This is all that's left of that stupid maple tree. HA!!!! Being laid off ROCKS because I have all day to just add wood to the fire so it burns ALL DAY and NIGHT!!!
I have created a system of cutting the crappy trees down,
And just smile and 'DEAL WITH IT' plus I am kinda sick of smelling like a fire...
Being that I have cleared out crappy trees for the past couple of years, I have plenty of wood for 'DA ODE' AKA fire pit. So if you come over to chill, I will have a BITCHIN' fire for ya, it's how I roll!!!
Here it is:
The picture on right was taken in the WINTER!!!! That is why everything looks brown!!! HELLO!!!
In other news, I, and the rest of my department, got laid off last month..... Before you ask "WHAT are you going to do now?" I need to say that I have been planning/ expecting this to happen for a few years now, so I have saved some money AND THEY have to pay me (14 years of service) until DEC!!! GOD BLESS those silly bean counters in San Francisco or where ever the bank has them... So I will be okie dokie!!!!! Just to make sure I had my friend Carb look it over and advise me if there is something missing. The only thing that kinda upset me that day was seeing some people with the 'WHAT DO I DO NOW?' look on their face... POOR FOLKS! I just don't know what to do with all my spare time! I need to learn the word 'pace' so I don't do everything I want in a few days.... Basically I get paid to not come to work and just do projects on MY HOUSE!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! I'm on VACATION until December BEEEEEOOOOTTTCHES!!!! I have quite a few reasons that you should NOT do business with ANY MONSTER MEGA BANK but being a 'Fortune 500' company, I know they have just a department solely full of attorneys whose only job is to sue people for slander, so I will save all of the fun stuff for a future blog post... I will only give you this link. Oh and it's not IF a monster mega bank screws ya, it's WHEN!! I DO have one story that happened there BUT it doesn't involve my former employer, BUT about a WHACKY couple that WELL, JUST READ IT!
I SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO wish I had these two little toys to show all the crappy trees around casa de McBride who is boss, ME DANG NABBIT but I don't. So I do a little bit at a time. I have been stung by fire ants, yellow jacket wasps, burned, destroyed a cell phone, damaged tools and basically been riddled with nagging pulled muscles while doing this. As you know, I have a SWEET chainsaw that I named Marvella BUT I am kinda nervous to use it with this CRAP that's going on with my brain BUT that doesn't mean that Boike can't use it!!! WOO HOO!!!! He uses that and I use my sawz all. Say hello to my little friend, NO it's not that big of a deal. it's just a sawz all with CHEAP pruning blades I get at one of those stores that sell really cheap stuff. There's a shocker huh? Cutting or chopping up trees is VERY therapeutic!!! I pretend the tree is a boss or someone that has pissed me off currently or in the past...
As I have previously mentioned, Boike has come over a couple times and he and my big @$$ chain saw have also 'takin care of business' to some of the big trees that I can't do by myself... We also took out some of the 'CRAPPY' ones too!!! Words cannot express how much I loath holly trees that are on the property.
This is all that's left of that stupid maple tree. HA!!!! Being laid off ROCKS because I have all day to just add wood to the fire so it burns ALL DAY and NIGHT!!!
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This is all that is left of the maple tree. |
- Cutting them in half with:
- one half I put in a pile to be split (FYI- one of these make splitting wood EASIER than a prom date) and given to my brother for their fireplace.
How the 'other' half live- casa de Mike and Liz |
- the other half I just cut up and burn in DA ODE TO BOOB (my fire pit)
- The rest of the wood is donated to some guys that my neighbor 'suggested' I have come out to take some wood! They are a couple of boys from the 'back woods', the really far ones!!! They have a few teeth and really strong accents! They don't care what kind of wood it is because to quote one "it ALL burns".....
And just smile and 'DEAL WITH IT' plus I am kinda sick of smelling like a fire...
Being that I have cleared out crappy trees for the past couple of years, I have plenty of wood for 'DA ODE' AKA fire pit. So if you come over to chill, I will have a BITCHIN' fire for ya, it's how I roll!!!
Here it is:
The picture on right was taken in the WINTER!!!! That is why everything looks brown!!! HELLO!!!
In other news, I, and the rest of my department, got laid off last month..... Before you ask "WHAT are you going to do now?" I need to say that I have been planning/ expecting this to happen for a few years now, so I have saved some money AND THEY have to pay me (14 years of service) until DEC!!! GOD BLESS those silly bean counters in San Francisco or where ever the bank has them... So I will be okie dokie!!!!! Just to make sure I had my friend Carb look it over and advise me if there is something missing. The only thing that kinda upset me that day was seeing some people with the 'WHAT DO I DO NOW?' look on their face... POOR FOLKS! I just don't know what to do with all my spare time! I need to learn the word 'pace' so I don't do everything I want in a few days.... Basically I get paid to not come to work and just do projects on MY HOUSE!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! I'm on VACATION until December BEEEEEOOOOTTTCHES!!!! I have quite a few reasons that you should NOT do business with ANY MONSTER MEGA BANK but being a 'Fortune 500' company, I know they have just a department solely full of attorneys whose only job is to sue people for slander, so I will save all of the fun stuff for a future blog post... I will only give you this link. Oh and it's not IF a monster mega bank screws ya, it's WHEN!! I DO have one story that happened there BUT it doesn't involve my former employer, BUT about a WHACKY couple that WELL, JUST READ IT!
This is the way it went down and
‘others’ might have different versions and that’s OK. There
will be NO NAMES because I do not feel like getting sued so I will
refer to them as ‘person A’ and ‘B’.
I’m pretty sure this happened in
2010, it was a Saturday morning and I was doing something around the
house and I get a text from person A. Now I NEVER got messages from
her because she was ABOVE me! She didn’t like other people knowing
I had her # because she felt she was better then me. You see, we exchanged
phone #s when we started working together so we all could stay in
contact if one of us was out or something like that. ANYWAYS, the
text was something to the fact of ‘if person B tries to contact you
DO NOT reply’. I looked at it and said to myself OK but I had NEVER
met person B before so he didn't even have my #..... So I went back
to what I was doing. Well Monday came and person A came to my desk
and started telling me stuff that went on with person B and how the
cops got involved too. She also started showing me some bruises…. I
was like, “WHOW WHOW WHOW!!!! Don’t show me anymore!” I was
kinda freaked out. I have NEVER seen bruises caused by domestic
abuse…. So she stopped but ‘emphasized’ to me again NOT to have
any contact with person B. She is CUCKOO for CO CO Puffs so I really
didn’t want to rile her up….. So a few weeks go by and I know
there is ALWAYS two sides to the story and she is WHACKED and her
version might be a little 'construed', also I feel sorta bad for person
B because NO ONE will talk to him. So I decide to reach out to him
because I’m a guy too and we all need to stick together…… I
proceed to email him and tell him that when he is in a heated
argument with a lady that he needs to just walk away and say, “we
will talk about this later when we are both calmer” And other
stuff, basically what an older guy would say to a young one…… He
emails me back and says THANKS and he wants to show his appreciation
by buying me a beer, WOO HOO!!!! As a red blooded American man, I
could NOT say no to that. We met at a local ‘watering hole’ and
he just starts from the beginning. He stated that 95% of the time
things were great between them but there were times that ‘in his
words’ “it was like a light switch” she would be fine but the
next second she would start yelling and getting violent. She would
claw him and grab him by the ears and get into his face and yell. He
stated that he was sick of having to try to explain/lie to his parents
where the scratch marks on his face came from. He would usually say
they came from a construction project he was on. The night in
question started out with a fight but QUICKLY went out of control.
Like a forest fire started by a camp fire and quickly engulfing a
couple 1000 acres. He is not sure how it started but it involved her
slamming a door shut and him following her to the next room to
confront her on why she just slammed a door. They start yelling at
each other and she hit him or something that was physical. He looked
me straight in the eye and said he “had enough of being a punching
bag” and so he hit her back. Now if you saw him, he’s short BUT
built…. Like Rocky… So I’m sure with one hit he knocked her
down pretty good. She wouldn’t give it up, she kept on putting fuel
on the fire. This lasted for a few hours and he finally had to call
the cops to get HER out of his house. HA! When she was trying to tell
me about what happened, she made it out that SHE had to call the cops
on him. He told me that this is a ‘trend’ with her and that an
older boyfriend that she had when she lived in CT. actually got so
pissed that he cold cocked her and broke her nose. He then told me
that her mom is whacked and has been married at least 4 times and her
latest husband is a REAL ‘push over’ and does EVERYTHING she
says. Kripes! He even said that person ‘A’ lived with her aunt
and uncle for awhile because her mom and her did not get along too
well, so looking at the situation, Person ‘A’ has some family
issues. He begged that I don’t tell her that we met. I said “TRUST
ME! I really don’t want to feel the wrath of her either so I WON’T
say anything." He stated that he goes to see a therapist so he can
manage his anger. I say to him “DUDE!!! I would have punched her
too! There have been plenty of times where I wanted to ‘knock her
into next Tuesday.” ANYWAYS, Steven (I use to work with him) will remember this; He decided
to send her flowers at work!! He told me a week before that he was
going to do it and asked what I thought. I told him to give it up and
just 'WALK ON’ but NO!!!! He still sent them…..She proceeded
to give them out to all the ladies on the floor. Steven and I saw the
whole thing and then person B texted me asking how it went. I said
NOT TOO WELL!!!! She gave them out to all the ladies on the floor.
IDIOT!!! I made the HUGE mistake and mentioned that I talked to
person ‘B’ and told him what a bonehead move the flower thing
was. She didn’t say anything about it BUT 5 minutes later she comes
to my desk and proceeds to REEM me out saying that she told me NOT to
have any contact with him…. “Oh darlin’ the last thing I am
worried about is you and your issues with an old ex.” CRAZY
CHICK!!!" I think he was, and still is, hung up on her. Whenever we
would talk he would ALWAYS ask about her. It got old quick! I would
say MOVE ON MAN but there was something about her that he will ALWAYS
be attracted too. After dealing with those two, I can see why they
were together. CRAZY loves CRAZY! I knew right away that he was only
using me because I talked to her daily and he wanted to know what she
was up to. So I decided to use him by showing me how to tile my
floor. You will see how that turned out later on in the story.
Let's move ahead a few month shall we,
NOW person ‘B’ is/ was a contractor and I was doing some stuff to
my kitchen. He always told me that if I needed any help that he would
help me out. Well I took him up on that offer when I was going to
tile the floor of my kitchen. I never did that and I needed him to
help/show me how to do it. During this time we had a very bad hail
storm and it DESTROYED my roof. Well he came over to lay tile and
said that he really needed the money from the roofing job, I SOOOOOOO
have the email where he said that too, and wanted me to give it to
him. So being the nice guy I am, I told him to send me a quote and he
could start on it. WELL!!!!! The @$$ CLOWN ripped my whole roof off
on a Thursday and DIDN’T install a new one until Monday! As you
know, it’s ALWAYS a pretty good chance that we will get a
thunderstorm in the afternoon during the summer. SO!!!! I was kinda
freakin out and watching Doppler radar EVERY minute! He did a very
half @$$ed job in ‘tarping’ the thing until a new roof was
installed. Kripes! I had to go up there to adjust tarps that he
didn’t secure enough and had moved. One time I freakin fell off my
roof!!!! Just a lot of bruises! I was getting PISSED and he knew it
because I was very short with him….. He acted surprised that I was
upset. I said, “HELL YEAH I’M UPSET!!!! I don’t have an EFFing
roof!!!!” I was sooooooo upset that I couldn’t eat until it was
all done. FINALLY, the Tuesday it was FINALLY done. I paid him with
the insurance $ I had and I think it’s the end of him. I pretty
much decided to NEVER have any contact with the idiot again BUT. The
jerk doesn’t PAY the roofing company so they put a freakin’ lien
on my house! I email him and he says he will take care of it…. Let
me tell ya, him’ taking care of it’ was simply him filing for
bankruptcy! CLOWN!!! I KNEW he was thinking about moving to CA.
because some of his ‘friends’ told him about growing medicinal
dope. It’s legal out there. Very SHADY but legal. I think the
whole roofing job was his way to declare BK and then move out there.
Sure hope ya don’t get shot out there buddy (rolling my eyes). SO
YOU KNOW, There is NOT any lien on my title!!! THANK GOD!!!!
I have learned that through all of
this, person ‘A’ and ‘B’ are all ABOUT their image! KRIPES!!!
Person 'B' made sure that I saw him in a Mercedes rag top one time
when we went out for beers...They are VERY concerned about how other
look at them and are VERY materialistic.
Oh and if you are wondering, Wells Fargo made $23 billion last year, AND FINALLY, somethings in your life are better when they are in your rear view mirror!