Saturday, March 01, 2014

When it rains, IT POURS!!!! HA!!!

This happened a few years ago when we had a really, really, really bad rain storm. I had a freakin' RIVER in my front yard. Pretty much, when it rains, it happens so I did something about it.

With a weed barrier that I got when my Grandpa McBride passed away in 2008 (I think he and my grandma bought this back in the 70's)

.....And rocks that I have collected over the years from Boike's former farm, the old athletic field in A-Towm (Allegany, NY), my grandpa and grandma Cawley's house, and other places up and down the east coast, I made a gully for the water to flow and to look GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD doing it...

SON OF A!!! That's one SMART dog because I did run out of rocks so I guess I will need to get more when I am on my 'WORLD TOUR' this summer...... This is what I have done so far....

In other news at casa de McBride: We had a BIG @$$ snow/ice storm AKA SNOW-APOCALYPSE 2014, and they say it was as big as the one we had in 2004. HA! I totally remember my cousin Laura and I trying to get out of Charlotte to go up to N.Y for my grandma Cawley's funeral.....

 OH MAN!!!! This new iTouch mom gave me for Christmas takes panoramic pictures!!!! SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!!

Sure I didn't have power for a little bit and I couldn't drive anywhere because the roads were such a mess, that's all stuff I can deal with- BUT the fact I ran out of beer is something that I deemed life threatening!!!! GOOD GOLLY MS. MOLLY!!!

OH AND I DECIDED TO BE A BIGGER CAPITALISTIC PIG so read on.... This is dedicated to, WELL I really don’t know BUT I thought I would start out my paragraph with that little nugget of information! HA!!! Seriously, I have been toying with this idea ever since the fateful day at casa de mama and papa McBride when my mother, who had just gotten back from seeing her sister down in Florida, showed me some pictures her and Cece, my aunt, took to CVS of some old photos my Grandma Cawley had. Needless to say, it was NOT very pretty!!! DEBACLE comes to mind! As God as my witness, I started that day scanning pictures and putting them on the internet. FYI- It’s a VERY complicated process which involves space age polymers, a cold fusion engine and a crew of Oompa Loompa’s from Willy Wonka… KIDDING!! I just sit in my back room with my Grandpa McBride’s space heater, a computer, scanner (I got from POPS when it stopped printing for him), a beer or two and my iTouch with 1900+ songs on ‘shuffle’ and I just scan pictures…….

 Here are a few pictures I have done, my thoughts on doing this:

• I’m NOT looking to become a HUGE success story with this so I am just going to put this on here and NOT blabber it on DA BOOK AKA FaceBook, but the extra cash is ALWAYS appreciated at casa de McBride.


500 or less .25cents per scan

501-1000 .24cents per scan

1001 OR MORE .22cents per scan

• FYI- You would be AMAZED at how many pictures you have that you want scanned, KRIPES, I just scanned pictures of me that my mom gave me and I am up to 700 and I am NOT done!

• I will do your pictures (depends on how many ya got) in a month or sooner. ONE FAMILY’S PICTURES AT A TIME! I’m a guy, I CAN’T multi task!

• I will NOT chew off more than I can handle. It’s an easy process, You email me that you want me to scan your family pictures and I will reply with a month what works best for me and my address you can ship them to.

• I will scan it AND label it if it’s marked. If not then I will scan the picture without labeling it and you and the rest of your family can guess where the picture was taken and who is in it. OH AND I might have to email you a time or two asking you to specify some writing because I can’t read it.

• I will create an account on FLICKR for you with all of your pictures. It’s NUTS how many pictures you can post on it, 1 TG! I will make it ‘PUBLIC’ so everyone in your family can see them if you just give them the link…. I will send you the username and password of your account so if I misspelled someone’s name or the date is wrong, you can go in and edit it.

Before I go, I want to give you your moment of ZEN! HIPPIES crying over a tree!!! ENJOY!!!!

P.S.S. I'm not the only McBride that loves CAPITALISM, My cousin Shelley does too!!!
She is the blond with the blue (that's the color right) blazer in the first row to the right. She didn't want me to tell y'all this BUT it was her 26th birthday too!!!! WIN/WIN BAAAAAAABY!!

GOOD LORD!!!! P.S.S.S. Remember to make sure the first thing you say to me when you see me is "I LOOOOOOOOOVE YOUR BLOG!!!" when you have never actually read it......

 I was thinking about this while driving to my new favorite store, OLLIE'S in Monroe, NC yesterday and it falls under the category of ...