So Mese was the ONLY person to actually point me in a direction for the decor of the kitchen!!! I take that back!!!! Dorothy made a comment that she liked my green counter tops. Thanks young lady for your input and the other thing that you did like 20 years ago for Mark, Billy and I!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!! OH OK sorry about that momentary lapse!!!! Back to the kitchen!!!! This is what Mese suggested I get for the floor. This is how easy I can be.... I emailed her asking what I need to do with the floor and 5 minutes later she sent me the link for the tiles she thinks I should get. I looked at it for a millisecond and emailed her back saying 'SOLD'!!!! The whole transaction was maybe 6 minutes!!!!! That's how easy I am!!!!!! YEAH LADIES!!!!!! Any takers!?!?!?!?!? AND!!!!! I know some people out there cannot believe Boike actually has a wife and she actually puts up with him.... To dispel the 'conspiracy theories', ladies and gentlemen I give you Mese!!!!
And now the ditch!!!!!!!! KRIPES!!!!!! I have decided that as long as I am on this earth, i'll be always tinkering with it!!!! I planted some ivy at every pile of broken concrete.
Went to The Winston, old habits die hard, I mean the All Star race with the Singers!!!! A good time was had by all!!!! This was my seat!!! The day of the race I went up to the ticket office and was asked by the ticket lady what seat I wanted...... "Ahhhhhhh hell! Let's splurge and give me a seat up in the new section" and this is what she gave me for a mere $65!!!!! It might sound like a lot of money but it's actually cheap for a race and they are running all kinds of specials because there is such a dip in attendance this year...
I also decided to do something about the driveway... So I took the pressure washer to it!!!!! I have a pretty long driveway so each night after work I work on one section at a time......
I've said this before and I will say it again!!!!! ALL YOU NEED IS A CHEAP LITTLE PRESSURE WASHER TO GET YOUR DRIVEWAY AND OTHER STUFF LOOKING LIKE THIS!!!!! Kripes!!!! I just have a cheap one that I bought at Big Lots a few years ago and look at the results!?!?!?!?!? Looks good to me.... What about you? Now!!!! With that said, if you are looking to freakin' take paint off the side of a house then YES you will need a bigger one......
Remember the guy that kinda cussed me out and caused me to put a halt to completing the "McBride Expressway" ??? Well guess what I found out???? I was talking to one of my neighbors and he informed me that the guy is kinda screwed because he didn't get the proper permits from the county to clear the land....... So it's just an empty field back there........ KARMA!!!!!! Love it! This kinda fits into some of the plans I have to fix up the back yard and I'll talk about that more next month... Sorry this is kinda short but they have implemented mandatory OT at work so my days now pretty much consist of work and sleep, oh I eat a little too.