Why Hillary? Because she takes out anything in here way and leaves destruction and emptiness behind!!!! HE HE HE HE HE HE!! GEE I wonder what political party I am a part of??????
Don't get me wrong, I love getting free stuff but it can be a very bittersweet experience.... Let's delve into my thoughts shall we!?!?!?! Not to get all depressing but you know the times when someone like a relative or good friend starts giving you stuff they say "no longer can use"? It's a good sign that they know that they will not be on this earth much longer. I think it's a stage of knowing you are going to die. Am I right? Correct me if I am wrong. My Grandpa Cawley did it to me, I picked up his old .22 rifle and his SWEET A$$ bowling shirt!
But I am going through it again with my Grandpa McBride. Sure "he's got this ultimate set of tools", name that movie, but it bums me out that he can't use them anymore at the same time I feels honored that he is giving them to me...... He knows I will use them.... I tell ya, the circle of life sure can suck sometimes....
One of the things he gave me was this hatchet..... It is in pristine condition... He probably bought it back in the 60's thinking he would need it sometime. From the looks of it I say he may of used it a few times over the years.! Look at it.... Hardly a nick or scratch on it...... The lettering is a little smeared but so what and don't get my started on the blade... I cut myself on it when I checked to see if it needed to be sharpened....
Things have been busy at casa de McBride..... Big Ron hooked me up with the old outdoor lights from their house..... I guess mom wanted new ones that went better with the outdoor decor of their Taj Mahal. They were a copper color and it was 'suggested' to me to paint them black....
So after a trip to Big Lots for some black spray paint and Food Dawg for a sixer of High Life I spent the evening getting a contact high from the paint and taking breaks to enjoy a beer while jamming to Hair Nation on Sirius.
I had flashbacks to when I was 17 working on the Mustang, of course there was no beer involved because I was under age.... HELL I had no one to buy me some..... My older brother was a Puritan or something and would never buy it for my friends and I. A topic that is still mentioned when I am together with some of my high school friends... They don't refer to him as Andy's older brother but Andy's older brother that NEVER bought us beer. So anyways, what do you think????? I think they turned out pretty good.....
These are the ones I replaced.
And the new ones.
I built some trellises for my rose/saint garden...... See the one on your left??? As you can see, I have high hopes for the roses to grow and climb up to the top..... I will call this one "Barry Bonds" because I will 'juice' it until it reaches the top!!!! The RGH, Rose Growth Hormone, will consist of a healthy dose of Miracle-Gro and a bunch of plant food that's specialized for roses.
Slowly but surely I am getting all the necessary parts for my entertainment center..... Behold!!!! The Wii in all of it's glory!!!!!

Ladies and gentlemen this is what dry rot looks like!!!!! I'm not going to sit here and sound like a nerd, even though I probably did in the last paragraph, and explain what causes it but I will be like my brother and send you a link that explains it.....
Anyways, I spend the morning getting the tire replaced, luckily there's Wilson Tire down the road!!!! That's what's great about a small town, everything is so close and everyone is soooooo nice........ Mr. Wilson put a new tire on while I enjoyed some coffee with some of the ol' timers talkin' NASCAR!!!! This is what I have realized, now as y'all know I have your typically whiny northern accent but I don't care who you are, if you know your NASCAR you can talk to any good ol' boy.......
And this is what happens to your yard when you try to move your boat, so you can change the flat tire, on really soggy ground.... I tore it up pretty good didn't I?????
So it looks like I have an excuse to rototill it plant new seed or spread some mulch on it..... What do you think..... Drop me an email or just leave a comment on here.... The winner of the contest will receive this lovely grocery list/magnet!!!!!
Talk to you later I'm off to bed to try to get some sleep because I have a full day of being poked and pronged at by the Dr...... Oh the joy!!!!!!