WOW!?!?!?! I sure do have a cheesy smile don't I????
I hope y'all got back some of the money Uncle Sam took throughout the year and you have big plans for the rebate check your going to get pretty soon!!!! What am I going to do with mine you ask??? I'm thinking I will go out and support one of the single mothers at my local strip joint!!! Preferably with the stage name 'Unique' or maybe 'Moca'!!!! KIDDING!!!!
The doors are all painted up, thanks again mom and dad, and work great keeping the heat in the main room.
I have had it for about a month now and I can totally tell a difference. The heat is staying in the main room but being the "how can I make it better?" type of guy I made a few more modifications to it..... As you can see in my brilliant diagram there is quite a draft between the two doors...

I worked on this picture using Photo Shop, MAN the freakin' manual is the size of War and Peace! It took me an hour just to figure out how to put those arrows on there...
So being the aspiring rocket propulsion scientist I am, I went and got some of that foam insulation tape and sealed up the doors..... Pretty sweet huh??? French doors sealed and ready to go!!! Up next, finishing up my design for a flux capacitor requiring 1.21 gigawatts of electricity to operate.
Well it looks like talks between Boike and I about him coming down and helping me with the ditch broke down..... Apparently he had to go fraternize with a bunch of socialites at an annual fox and hound dinner....... "yeeees, can you please pass the Gray Poupone?" So I had to I.A.O, Improvise, Adapt, Overcome. I have had my eye on a pile of broken up concrete that I could use for the bed and for each side of the driveway....
Now before you jump all over me about how cheap I am, let the court be witness to my changing ever so slightly to becoming more 'green'.... Don't worry! I'm still a pretty conservative PBR drinkin', NASCAR lovin', GOD fearin', big a$$ truck drivin', less government guy but this is what I realized, the days of helping my Grandpa Cawley dump the used oil that we drained out of his HUGE 79 Buick in the back yard next to the pine trees are over!!! GOD I hope the EPA never does any soil samples there!!! Can you say "hazardous waist dump"?????? I just figured that I can recycle the old concrete and use it for landscaping and also clean up that area so it doesn't look like the opening scene to Sanford & Son. Plus I see those yahoos on those home shows do it all the time..... I didn't get to actually start on it yet but don't worry, I will have some pictures for you in my next entry.
One thing I did start and finish was planting some rose bushes and a tree in my "zen" area....
Well I hope you all have a great weekend and remember to always have a designated driver for all the celebrating you will do for Presidents day....