Say hi to Ms. America, or as her owner calls her Skeebo! She is a Mastiff and all I can say is SWEET JESUS IN A GUM BALL MACHINE she is HUGE!!!!!! By my 'guessestimate' she is about 130 pounds. Actually that's how much pressure was on my foot when she stepped on it..... I'm watching her a few weeks for my friend. She's a great pupper!!!! She is happy as a pig in poop just to be chilling out with me watching some TV. She is a HUGE baby when it comes to walking on my kitchen floor. It's linoleum and she hates it because she can't get a grip with her paws....... To be honest with you, it's kinda funny to watch her trying to walk on it. After at least 2 minutes of looking at the floor then me with the "are you really expecting me to walk on this" face she'll tip toe across it and out the door to go out...... After talking to her mom, I found out that she loves her some cheese. What dog doesn't huh???? So no matter where she is in the house she springs right up when she hears me opening up a piece. I think she is so happy to be getting cheese that she doesn't even notice the floor...... Crazy dog!
One thing that I have forgotten about with having a dog is how much they shed! PEOPLE!!! I vacuum every night!!!! BUT I wouldn't change a thing.... I love having the company.
Sorry kids but I don't have any pictures for ya this time..... I'm sad to say that I have not done anything to the house in the last couple of months..... It starting to get cold out there and I tend to hibernate in the winter months.... NO!!!!! I know what you are all thinking!!!! I will not be turning off the heat this year! That just flat out SUCKED and will never be attempted again!
The new job is going great. They have a 4 day work week program. I work 10 hours Monday through Thursday and have my Fridays off!!!! WOO HOO!!!!! A 3 day weekend EVERY week!!! LOVE IT!!!!! It's amazing how much more you can get done when you have a week day off. If I have any Dr. or dentist appointments I just schedule them on Friday. That way I don't have to take any time off... Life is good!!!!